1 min read
Looking at Our School 2022

Looking at Our School 2022: A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools is published by the Inspectorate in the Department of Education — Ireland
Looking at Our School is a framework document that provides a shared understanding on practices in the Irish school system. This current document is a follow on from the 2016 publication and provides standards for two dimensions of the work of schools – Learning & Teaching and Leadership & Management.
Although updated, the content of LAOS 2022 remains broadly similar, with some key adjustments and additions to reflect recent reforms and developments in education and it continues to be used by schools to support their engagement with the six-step school self-evaluation (SSE) process. I am particularly delighted to note the addition of text aligned to education for sustainable development (ESD).In Learning & Teaching (Domain 1: Learner Outcomes), we see text which recognises students as “key contributors to our sustainable future”. Effective practice will be demonstrated through “environmental, social and economic issues and of active citizenship” enabling them to “act responsibly for a more sustainable world”.

In Leadership & Management (Domain 2: Managing the Organisation) schools are encouraged to demonstrate how they value and promote “a commitment to sustainable development” and implement “practices and policies that embed the principles of sustainability in the daily routines of the school”.

I know these developments have been ongoing in many schools already and in particular through my experience with Community Colleges in the ETB sector. Over 60% of ETB Principals and Deputy Principals have participated in Take 1 Programme training in the past 12 months, engaging with resources and practices which help to ‘embed ESD in learning and teaching’ and working towards whole-school transformation.